<div align="center"><a href="http://fansoffiction.blogspot.com" title="Fans of Fiction"><img src="http://i1186.photobucket.com/albums/z366/angelalwayz26/chicks3.jpg" alt="Fans of Fiction" style="border:none;" /></a></div>The meme has hit double digits:) I think the most people we've had participate one week is seven, but I don't mind. I'm going to keep going and hope that more people join. Hopefully you enjoy Must Read Monday as much as I do!
The goal of the Must Read Monday is to find share your love of great books with others in the hopes that they'll add a new title to their To Be Read list.
For specific ways to build your puzzle, click here, but pretty much any style of acrostic is welcome.
When you leave comments on other posts, be sure to mention whether you're adding that book to your TBR pile, and what part convinced you to do so.
It's all about powers of persuasion, people:) You might have to think a little, but channel that inner-creative goddess (or god).
Winner of Must Read Monday week #9:
Valette @ Book Snatch (Mistborn)
Although it was Valette's first time participating, she wowed us with her acrostic, as evident by all the comments that agreed on the same favorite line: "Bones swallowed for a masquerade." Also, the ending, "Never Give In," gives me the sense that the characters would rather go down fighting than stop standing up for what they feel is right. Great job, Valette!
REMEMBER: You must follow the winner to participate this week!
REMEMBER: You must follow the winner to participate this week!
This week's category: Best rainy day read (you could think snowy day read, if you prefer!)
The Enclosure protects the islands of
Honor's world.
Earth Mother and the Corporation have protected citizens from
Outside weather, in fear of
The flood that destroyed the Old World.
Honor's family doesn't follow the rules,
Especially the one about having a second child, and
Rarely do they make curfew. They do
Sing songs, which
Is almost as bad as not worshipping Earth Mother.
Determined to fit in at her new school, Honor tries
Enlightening her mind,
Opening her heart to the rude little girls, who already
Follow the rules
There is one boy--
Helix, who is different, he's
Eager to find his missing parents
Secrets are discovered by the teens
Like how those who rebel
And refuse to be ruled by seemingly
Nice Earth Mother
Disappear without a trace.
Here's my review.
*Next week's topic: Favorite book you were forced to read for school, classic or not! There has to be one good one in the bunch!
- Must become a follower to participate.
- Follow the winner from last week to participate.
- Grab my button to place in your post.
- Make sure you have a backlink in your post to each weekly post I put up, not just to my website.
- Where it says your name please include name @ blog name Ex: Jenna @ Fans of Fiction
- Your exact post URL is the one that goes in the linky box, not your website.
- Don't just hop around; leave comments! We all love reading what others have to say.
- Enjoy!

Wow I admire you for choosing such a long title hahaha!
Post-apocalyptic stories are always interesting, maybe because I haven't read that many? Other than the Hunger Games of course.
This is now on my to read list on Goodreads!
Wow, another great acrostic. I want to read this. I'm adding it to my list. I'm sorry I missed last week. I've been so sick. I had pneumonia but I'm all back to normal now. Glad to be participating this week!
This book sounds really good. I'm very curious about the disappearing rebels. Adding it to my TBR list. Great acrostic!
Oooo, I'll have to check this one out! That last paragraph in particular. Very, very intriguing!
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