<div align="center"><a href="http://fansoffiction.blogspot.com" title="Fans of Fiction"><img src="http://i1186.photobucket.com/albums/z366/angelalwayz26/chicks3.jpg" alt="Fans of Fiction" style="border:none;" /></a></div>The goal of the Must Read Monday is to find share your love of great books with others in the hopes that they'll add a new title to their To Be Read list.
For specific ways to build your puzzle, click here, but pretty much any style of acrostic is welcome.
When you leave comments on other posts, be sure to mention whether you're adding that book to your TBR pile, and what part convinced you to do so.
It's all about powers of persuasion, people:) You might have to think a little, but channel that inner-creative goddess (or god).
Several great ones, again, but I loved the way Jinky's last line connected with the entire acrostic..."to break the Hell of a life by pushing forward and onward." In four short lines, she really illustrates an awful childhood and the desire of the main character to persevere.
I haven't read this one yet (or seen the movie), but now it's on my TBR list.
Remember, you must follow the winner to participate this week!
This week's topic:
Favorite self-published book (or, if you don't have one, a book that is underpublicized that more people should know about)
Here's mine:
Tyler is a fantasy, someone Anna can't
Even she realizes she's not his type
Sleeping brings her nightmares of a
Panic-filled school, their school,
And it's being shot up
Carelessly, by someone she knows
Emotional connections are made
Between Tyler and Anna on that staircase, they must save
Every last person.
Tyler finds Anna at school, and she knows. He
Was there. They had the same dream.
Entwined in an alternate reality, that starts and
Ends with the closing of eyes
Neither knows if it's too late to stop the bullets.
Here's my review.
I barely touched on the major storyline. There were lots of other exciting twists and turns in the suspense-filled The Space Between by Alexandra Sokoloff.
*Next week's topic: (a little twist) A fictional character you'd want as your best friend (the acrostic can be the name, but make sure to mention the title of the book in your post)
Favorite self-published book (or, if you don't have one, a book that is underpublicized that more people should know about)
Here's mine:
Tyler is a fantasy, someone Anna can't
Even she realizes she's not his type
Sleeping brings her nightmares of a
Panic-filled school, their school,
And it's being shot up
Carelessly, by someone she knows
Emotional connections are made
Between Tyler and Anna on that staircase, they must save
Every last person.
Tyler finds Anna at school, and she knows. He
Was there. They had the same dream.
Entwined in an alternate reality, that starts and
Ends with the closing of eyes
Neither knows if it's too late to stop the bullets.
Here's my review.
I barely touched on the major storyline. There were lots of other exciting twists and turns in the suspense-filled The Space Between by Alexandra Sokoloff.
*Next week's topic: (a little twist) A fictional character you'd want as your best friend (the acrostic can be the name, but make sure to mention the title of the book in your post)
- Must become a follower to participate.
- Follow the winner from last week to participate.
- Grab my button to place in your post.
- Make sure you have a backlink in your post to each weekly post I put up, not just to my website.
- Where it says your name please include name @ blog name Ex: Jenna @ Fans of Fiction
- Your exact post URL is the one that goes in the linky box, not your website.
- Don't just hop around; leave comments! We all love reading what others have to say.
- Enjoy!